Monday, December 30, 2013

You Can't Unscramble Eggs (with Supporting Evidence)

The reason my state-centric opponents for Texas Governor are wrong-headed is because you can't unscramble eggs, meaning that our constitutional government was long ago twisted away from the will of the common interpretation to lawyer-speak. For example, at university a couple of years ago, my Political Science professor took us to the "necessary and proper" clause in Article 1. Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution. The courts have again and again ruled that the twists and turns Congress has placed on this article are legal under the U. S. Constitution. We have a host of government redirects from this one clause, from personal income taxes to public schools to Obamacare and into infinity, that will never get redefined to our liking.  It's like swimming up Niagara Falls to think these interpretations can be changed by the system that created the problem.

The solution is to dissolve government at all levels, non-violently, by running candidates for office who will refuse the oath of office when elected. At critical mass, the state ceases to exist.

If you want another government, you're free to start it up. As for me, I'm fine with no government.

Time Is Short:

Recently, I was watching a Bill Moyers (I'm not a fan) television broadcast on PBS, concerning gun control.  To my surprise, the population of Americans who own guns has dropped in recent years from 35% of the population to 25%, according to Moyers.  This means that the effort to remove guns from our society is real and has been effective, so the number of trigger fingers in a potential revolution has gone from 105 million to 75 million in recent years.  And there is no end in sight.  They are successful in driving out guns in our society.

Additionally, having been involved with three armed standoffs between individuals and the government in my lifetime, I know too well that no one is coming to your aid at 2 a. m., if the feds decide your guns are too dangerous to national security.

So, as there is no national move for a citizen's mutual defense pact, and you are on your own on the gun issue, what do you do?

Your vote on a computer is suspicious at best and illegitimate at worst.  Your candidates think they can unscramble eggs, but all ten planks of "The Communist Manifesto" are codified into law by the rich and powerful.  Your gun possession is short lived under the current system.  The next move is to abolish the government through non-violent means:  run candidates for office who will refuse the oath of office when elected.  At critical mass, the government ceases to exist.  (And within this context, keep in mind that Gene Chapman is the only candidate for Texas Governor for any political party who has refused to swear or affirm allegiance to the 10 planks of "The Communist Manifesto.")

You Have An Ally With a Proven Solution: 

It just so happens that the lawyer M. K. Gandhi picked up a book a hundred years ago called, "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You," by Leo Tolstoy.  This book transformed everything for Gandhi.  It is the reason he is now called Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi, the Father of India.  This book is behind Nelson Mandela being the Father of South Africa and Martin Luther King, Jr. having that world famous dream, not that I would agree with any of these three men in total.

It turns out, according to Tolstoy, that Jesus Christ was in favor of transforming society from a state-centric society into a Kingdom-centric society.  And the tactics Tolstoy gives from Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" WORK.  You weaken or abolish the state by non-perticipation with it's "oath" system:  "swear not."  Then the people take control of the reigns from the rich and powerful. 

My opponents for Texas Governor will tell you that they will dismantle the grip of the laws presented below if they ever get elected into office.  In just one example, the central bank (5th plank of "The Communist Manifesto") turned 100 years old recently and Obamacare (an expansion of the 2nd plank of "The Communist Manifesto") just got passed into law.  Look in the mirror and ask yourself the question:  Who is winning the court route to freeing America?

Gene Chapman

[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]
(Treasurer:  Fred Smart)

The 10 PLANKS stated in the Communist Manifesto and some of their American counterparts are...
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes. 
Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management (Zoning laws are the first step to government property ownership)
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 
Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 
Americans call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 
Americans call it government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process. Asset forfeiture laws are used by DEA, IRS, ATF etc...).
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Americans call it the Federal Reserve which is a privately-owned credit/debt system allowed by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) another privately-owned corporation. The Federal Reserve Banks issue Fiat Paper Money and practice economically destructive fractional reserve banking.
6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State. 
Americans call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Americans call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture… Thus read "controlled or subsidized" rather than "owned"… This is easily seen in these as well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Americans call it Minimum Wage and slave labor like dealing with our Most Favored Nation trade partner; i.e. Communist China. We see it in practice via the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
Americans call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136. These provide for forced relocations and forced sterilization programs, like in China.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. 
Americans are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, but are actually "government force-tax-funded schools " Even private schools are government regulated. The purpose is to train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" . These are used so that all children can be indoctrinated and inculcated with the government propaganda, like "majority rules", and "pay your fair share". WHERE are the words "fair share" in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26)??

It's The Bottom of the 9th and We're 50 Points Behind

Ok, it's the bottom of the 9th and we're 50 points behind.  We're in the bottom of the 9th because guns are being driven out of the culture here in America.  According to a recent Bill Moyers television program on PBS, gun ownership dropped in recent years form 35% of the population (105 million) to 25% of the population (75 million).  So any attempts to utilize violent revolution to overthrow government intrusions are clearly in decline, with no end in sight.  So, we're in the bottom of the 9th, concerning the 2nd Amendment. 

We're 50 points behind because we're the Libertarian Party, the smallest of the three national parties.  Our objective in most elections is to maintain ballot access.  Clearly, we're 50 points behind, and I'm being kind here.

So what do we do?

Kathie Glass wants to utilize "nullification," were she elected Texas Governor.  According to Wikipedia:  "Nullification, in United States constitutional history, is a legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional. The theory of nullification has been rejected repeatedly by Federal courts, and it has rarely been legally upheld."

Kathie Glass offers a hope and a prayer.

R. Lee Wrights is gonna give us the same drum beat we've had since the 70's.  

R. Lee Wrights offers maintenance of the status quo. 

Gene Chapman is offering a non-violent revolution taught by Jesus Christ's "Sermon on the Mount," given by Leo Tolstoy in "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You," utilized by Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. and endorsed by Noam Chomsky and Ravindra Kumar.

Gene Chapman offers a authentically new society brought into reality by non-violent revolution.

1)  Hope and a Prayer (Kathie Glass).
2)  Status Quo (R. Lee Wrights).
3)  Authentically New Society (Gene Chapman).

Gene Chapman,

Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]
(Treasurer:  Fred Smart)

It's your choice, Texas Libertarian Party

Monday, December 16, 2013

My Three Armed Standoffs

I've been involved in three armed standoffs between individuals and the government in my life, so when R. Lee Wrights began to lecture me on gun issues the other day, I felt a bit like Sgt. York being lectured by Yosemite Sam.

The first involvement I had in an armed standoff was between the FBI and David Koresh, outside Waco, Texas in 1993.  I was a student at Baylor University running a Christian outdoor advertising ministry with several famous pastors and university founders/ chancellors.  The Religion Department at Baylor opened the door that got me in with Special Agent Sage and the other FBI negotiators to share my ideas about a loud speaker plan to calm the situation and persuade Koresh to come out to deal with the court system non-violently.  Long story short, I turned against the government after the fed's killed 80 Davidians, refusing my non-violent approach in favor of their easy violent solution.

The second time was when I was the "Negotiator/ Honest Broker" for Rick Stanley's Mutual Defense Pact.  A Mutual Defense Pact member in Michigan had gained permission from a town council to rewire his two mobil homes together, but the town council rescinded the permit while the work was being done.  This was interpreted by the pact as as attack upon the man's property in land rights and an attempt under the 1st plank of "The Communist Manifesto" to take his property rights away form him.  The 600 armed members of the pact were to come that weekend to kill the government over the issue in a standoff and town council attack, if needed.  I contacted the sheriff to explain my role and introduce myself, and he contacted a local pastor, who negotiated the abolition of the illegal town council and the rewiring of this man's two mobil homes without further incident.

The third time was when I helped Ed and Elaine Brown understand their situation in their IRS standoff.    Ed invited strangers into his home during the standoff to help fight the Fed's, against my advice, and one of them was a Federal Agent, who kept trying to hang up the phone on me and my advice for Ed.  The agent finally took over and arrested Ed and Elaine, and they are still in prison.

The problem with making brandishing statements about your gun possession and ownership, as I saw and see with R. Lee Wrights, is that no one is gonna come help you if the government decides to come to your house and get your guns.  If you piss off the fed's with your gun rights claims, they are gonna flip a coin and use you for target practice for some branch of the military.  I've lived this stuff, folks.

The fact is that we have dropped in gun ownership in America from about 35% of the population to about 25% of the population in recent years, according to a Bill Moyer's tv show I saw on PBS this past week.  The government is pushing out gun ownership in the U. S. just like they are pushing out smoking.

So what do we do?  Well, you either get yourself a real big mutual defense pact and use it to the death, or you abolish the state conception of life by running candidates for office who will refuse the oath when elected, as I've been working to do.  A vote for Gene Chapman is a vote for your gun ownership without having to kill the whole U. S. Military in the process.  Those are your two choices.

Gene Chapman
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Chapman Banned from R. Lee Wrights Facebook Page

Well, we had a pretty good little debate going on R. Lee Wrights' Facebook page a moment ago, but I forgot to cut and paste it for, so it's lost.  I never thought the guy would ban me, given that he is the "never censor anybody guy."  I basically tore his argument apart, explaining that threatening gun violence was still violence.  When a man screams at a woman, that's emotional abuse/ violence.  When a child is shaken by his father's threats, that's violence.  When you talk as a candiate for Texas Governor about holding a gun with both hands being gun control, that is communicating violence into the culture.  Teenagers say things like that, but grown men running for elected office have no business injecting red meat violent statements into the culture, as Lee did.

I told Lee that you can't expect a religious leader, like a Billy Graham, to take you seriously for an endorsement request (I've mailed Dr. Graham just such a request a couple of weeks ago) if you are out making juvenile statements like, "Gun control is holding it with both hands," as Lee did on Facebook this morning.

Lee is a nice guy, I'm sure, but he's just not evolved enough to be a serious leader in a serious political context.  If he got into an email discussion with the 14th Dalai Lama or Arun Gandhi or Nelson Mandela, what would he say?  "Guns good?"

I'm fine with guns.  Gandhiji would never try to take anyone's gun from them.  If you want to own a ground to air missile in your back yard, knock yourself out.  All I ask, being a Gandhian myself, is please be conscious of the safety needs and space of others, and don't go around making brandishing statements about how you like aiming your missile at others.

Teenagers talk about aiming guns with both hands at potential assailants;  grown men take care of business non-violently, and if it gets deadly, they don't talk about it.  That's the maturity we need running to Texas Governor.

We don't need more talk about what violence we can do to each other:  We need for "Love to come to town!"  -- B. B. King.

Gene Chapman
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]

Question for Gene

Question: "Mr. Chapman, how do you differ from the other candidates?"

Gene's answer: Well, all the other candidates are debating between who among them will hold your chains and the whip to drive you. Gregg Abbott actually brags each day about what damage he can do to this or that person in the name of man's laws. Wendy Davis is of a political party that will drive you to the chains of increased taxation for whatever cause President Obama will dream up tomorrow to further impoverish you. R. Lee Wrights will probably hold your chains more loosely than Kathie Glass, and he would probably seek to throw the whip away, while Kathie Glass will gladly whip the Mexican children and worker out of State, if she could.

I, on the other hand, seek only to cut your chains of state control and serve you through the underground railroad of Tolstoy and Gandhi to one day bask with you on the shores of the River Freedom in the sunlight of brotherly love. I never held a whip in my hand to throw away, and I never held a chain to hold tightly or loosely to control you. I'm just one of you, headin' to freedom.

Gene Chapman
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

R. Lee Wrights is 25 Years Behind Me

In an R. Lee Wrights article he shares:

"I am an oath keeper. I have been keeping my oath since the day I swore it back in early 1977. I gave my word before God, to a whole nation full of people even those yet unborn, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic."

Gene's reply:  In 1988, I took the same oath Lee took to join the same Army he joined.  The difference between us is that I'm a voracious "book reader." That is why I'm in a more evolved place than Lee, endorsed for Texas Governor by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual).

Lee is welcome to swear oaths to man's will and words in the name of God, but I wonder which God?  The God of the Bible never asked a man to swear an oath to the will and words of man.  In fact, Jesus Christ taught "swear not" (give no allegiance to Caesar/ government, by oath or affirmation) in his "Sermon on the Mount."  This is the basis of my campaign for Texas Governor, explained most clearly in Leo Tolstoy's famous book that made the lawyer M. K. Gandhi walk away from his law practice (a practice full of oaths to man's word and will in the name of God), and he freed India from British rule, as a result.

I hope I can get Lee to read "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You" someday, so he can enjoy the enlightenment that graces the life of the 14th Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi, Noam Chomsky and Gene Chapman.  Oaths to man's will and words are only a path to violence in the name of God toward other men.  It is not the path to peace on earth, and even Jesus Christ knew it.

No disrespect to Lee.  I was lost on how to live a freedom-centric life as he is presently, 25 years ago.

Gene Chapman
[Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chapman v. R. Lee Wrights on Taxes

From the R. Lee Wrights Campaign Website:

"If the legislation increases taxes; takes property without consent; centralizes economic or political power in anyone other than the individual; limits personal or family choices; removes personal, corporate, or government accountability; mandates the purchase of a product or service; increases the size, power, or scope of government; creates more non-violent criminals out of harmless people; violates property rights; subsidizes an industry; invades individual privacy; exports more warfare to countries that haven’t harmed us; restricts an individual’s natural right to self determination or personal defense; marginalizes people because of their personal choices, actions, or circumstances; manipulates, uses force, interferes, or restricts the voluntary interactions between peaceful people; or in any way attempts to separate an individual’s personal freedom from the individual’s economic freedom…. I oppose it.
If the legislation helps restore or retain every individual’s natural right to interact freely and peacefully in unobstructed markets with other individuals so long as one individual doesn’t use force or fraud against another… I support it.
I do not apologize for this view.

One Response to Where I Stand On Any Legislation"

Gene's reply:  I direct your attention to the first word's of Mr. Wrights' statement:  "If the legislation increases taxes . . . ."

Clearly, Mr. Wrights believes in the current tax system's right to exist, else he would say, "taxes should not exist," as I propose.  He believes in the right for the state to enslave the individual, one would conclude.  If it has the right to tax, then it has the right to use force against the individual.  As a Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian, I do not believe the state has the moral right to exist, much less use force against individuals at any level.  I hold the Rothbardian view that the state should be something we seek to abolish, not compromise with. The very "legislation" Mr. Wrights assumes in his statement should not exist, so that we may live the Kingdom conception of life, as proposed by Leo Tolstoy's famous book, "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You."

My position presupposes all his other points.

Gene Chapman
[(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky (Intellectual of the Age), Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual) and Bishop T. D. Jakes (World Renowned Pastor)]

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

R. Lee Wrights Finally Appears in Texas Gubernatorial Discussion.

R. Lee Wrights Finally Appears in Texas Gubernatorial Discussion.

  • Question for Gene?
    Question: "Mr. Chapman, how do you and R. Lee Wrights differ in your run for Texas Governor?"

    Answer: Well, Lee is supportive of the "state conception of life," as Leo Tolstoy would put it, while I am a philosophical anarchist in line with Lew Rockwell, Economist Murray Rothbard, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ and the Dalai Lama, etc.

    If you really want to stop the Dallas Police and other police departments from killing our mentally handicapped citizens in their front yards, for example, as we see on the news month-after-month here in Texas, then what better way than to abolish the state conception of life in favor of Tolstoy's Kingdom conception of life (a libertarian stateless society driven by conscience)?

    Lee's postions are not publicized on his campaign website the last time I checked, so it is hard to say where else we would differ at this point.

    If you go to my website, you know in about 15 or 20 posts pretty much what I'm about. If you go to every other candiate's website, including Lee's, you only have a highly managed spot presentation of what they are about. People say they want openness in their candidates. I'm prepared to wear a live streaming camera on my person to show what I'm about (in the shower, if they want it).

    Gene Chapman,
    Tolstoyan-Gandhian Libertarian Candidate for Texas Governor
    [(Endorsed by Dr. Noam Chomsky, Intellectual of the Age) and Dr. Ravindra Kumar (World's Most Prominent Gandhian Intellectual)]

    R. Lee Wrights I'll thank Mr. Chapman, or anyone else, to NOT speak for me and my beliefs. I have never met Mr. Chapman, so he hardly has the proper knowledge of me to express my views for me.
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Gene Chapman Well Lee, 1) are you working to abolish the state conception of life or not? I don't see any attempt to abolish the state from what I can read about your views. 2) I honestly can't comment too much on your beliefs, as your positions are not up on your campaign website.

    Gene Chapman "Government should be" That's right off Lee Wrights' Texas Gubernatorial website. How am I misrepresenting your views, Lee? I think I'm being pretty tame and spot on, Lee.  I believe 'Government should not be,' and I suggest that you spoke for your own beliefs on your own campaign website. I simply read your beliefs, and because I am a well educated individual with the endorsement of two of the most respected minds on earth, I transferred the unequivocal meaning of your statement "Government should be" to my answer. Pretty simple, Lee.